While WTS hires tutoring staff from across the curriculum and cross-trains tutors to work with students from a variety of disciplines, it also provides instructors with the opportunity to have a tutor assigned to an individual course.
These course-specific tutors' work deepens the writing-in-the-disciplines focus of the Campus Writing Program's mission. While familiarity with the discourse conventions of a particular discipline is useful to a tutor as they work with a student, familiarity with the course itself—with the instructors' pedagogical aims, the role assignments play in teaching both content and conventions, and the criteria to be used in evaluation—provides the tutor with a more nuanced understanding of the writing task at hand than approaching an assignment "cold." The more prepared the tutor, the better able they are to help a student develop a reasoned response to a writing prompt.
Faculty members wishing to request a course-specific tutor can email us at wts@iu.edu. We look forward to hearing from you!